Benefits of drinking water on an empty Stomach each morning

Research have shown that most Japanese women drink water early in the morning upon waking up which has led to their slim physic,but let's not forget that genetics also plays a role to an extent.

It has also been scientifically proven that the water treatment therapy has also helped to remedy a large number of health related disorders.

The human body is made up of 70% of water,so,it is very wise and a must that you drink enough amount of water on a daily basis.When the body lacks enough adequate amount of water,,it can lead to dehydration,rheumatoid arthritis,migraines,dyspepsia,obesity,kidney stones,sinusitis and uterine cancers.

The water treatment therapy has been proven to treat disorders in the body like menstrual disorders and eye problems.

You are encouraged to drink at least four glasses of water on an empty stomach upon waking up,before brushing.Wait for at least 45 minutes before having breakfast.

After breakfast,wait for another 30 minutes before drinking water.

Benefits of the water treatment therapy:

-It helps in getting rid of toxins from the body

-It improves metabolism,which means an improved digestive system and also it purifies the colon

-It promotes weight loss for those that have gained lots of weight

-It helps to alleviate heartburn and indigestion .Heartburn is caused by high levels of acidity in the stomach,as a result of indigestion.
When this happens,the acid re-fluxes back into the Oesophagus which results in heartburn and when the water treatment therapy is applied,the acid is pushed back and gets diluted.

-Dehydration leads to premature wrinkles and deep pores on the skin,;when you adhere to the water treatment therapy,it helps to increase blood flow in the skin thereby flushing out toxins.

-It helps in improving the quality of your hair from inside out

-Prevents kidney stones and bladder infections

-Improves and strenghtens the immune system.

The water treatment therapy won't be easy at first but the benefits are far more important.Water is life,so,try to cultivate the habit of drinking clean water instead of minerals and other types of drink that bring harm to the body in the long run.


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