GlaxoSmithKline launches MyAsthma App

Asthma is a respiratory disorder that affects the lungs and is characterized by difficulty in breathing,wheezing,coughing and tightness in the chest.This happens when the breathing passage to the lungs becomes narrow and inflamed.

Asthma attack can be triggered by sex,exercise,dust,inhaling of smoke from cooking or cigarettes,perfumes and chemical fumes.Presently,there is no known cure for asthma but inhalers help to reduce symptoms and inflammation.

According to studies,the rate of asthma has been declining since 1990 but the U.K still has the highest levels of asthma attacks in Europe.The American College of Allergy,Asthma and Immunology in its report said an attack can also be triggered by being exposed to an allergen such as trees,grass or weed pollen,dust mites and animal dander.

A new App called MyAsthma app has just been launched by GlaxoSmithKline,the first pharma-supported device of its kind that is available in form of a smartphone app.

MyAsthma app helps in alerting sufferers when they are in a location not conducive for them by letting them know the pollen count of the air.

The application has an appointment planner which alerts patients of an upcoming visit to their doctors as well as helps patients in tracking their medicine usage  and attacks which can be evaluated by their doctors and also synchronizes with other health applications.

The application which won the AXA PPP Health,Tech and You awards 2017 was announced this week.

According to the Marketing and Innovation Director,AXA PPP,Gordon Henderson:
''We are delighted to announce the winners of AXA PPP Health,Tech and You awards 2017.The award recognizes and celebrates the best in personal health technology innovations to benefit consumers and our members to live and maintain a healthy lifestyle.At AXA PPP health care,we are very proud to consider ourselves as playing a part in this ever evolving nature of health technology to care for and support individuals,helping them to live life well,not only today but in the future.The theme of the health care in the past ,today and in the future is explored at our Health Tech and You exhibition opening today at the Design Museum.''

The winning technology is opened to members of the public at the Design Museum from 27th April-May 8th 2017.


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