Scorpion Stings Man On United Airline's Flight

A Scorpion was killed inside a United Airlines Flight that was flying from Houston,Texas to Calgary in Canada.

According to Richard Bell while narrating his ordeal,he said,''Something fell on my head,so i grabbed it;i was hanging unto it and then i realized what it was,my neighbour was a gentleman from Mexico and he said,that is a scorpion,they are dangerous.I dropped it on my tray and i went to grab it again and that's when i got stung,it stung me on the thumb,right next to my nail''.

He also added that there was excitement on board the plane when the scorpion was sighted,''I kind of flicked it on to the floor,then we covered it up with a cup so it wouldn't get around,and then got out of a chair and we hit it with a shoe''.

The remains of the scorpion was later flushed down the toilet by cabin crew staff and when they touched down,doctors also checked on him.


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