A Look Into Prostate Cancer,Symptoms,Cure And Prevention

Let's know the meaning of Prostate before diving into the main topic.Prostate can well be said to be an exocrine gland.An exocrine gland is a gland that ends up outside the body for example,sweat glands and prostate gland.

The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system and it is approximately the size of a walnut,the prostate gland also makes fluid that forms part of the semen,It lies just below the bladder,in front of the rectum.

The prostate surrounds the urethra,the tube that carries urine and semen through the penis out of the body.According to research,prostate cancer is said to be the most common type of cancer among men in the USA,especially among African-American men than in white men.The American cancer society says that one in every seven men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his life time.

Almost all prostate cancers begin in cells that make and release mucus and other fluids.Prostate cancer often has no early symptoms but in advance stage,it can cause a man to urinate more often or have a weaker flow of urine.The cancer usually grows very slowly,most men that have prostate cancer are often older than 65years and they do not die from the disease.

There are usually no symptoms of prostate cancer,most men only find out during a check-up or a blood test but when symptoms do exist,you will find out the patient;

urinates more often
gets up frequently at night to urinate
difficulty in urinating
blood in the urine
painful urination
ejaculation maybe painful but it seldom happens
maintaining an erection maybe difficult but it seldom happens.

There is no specific cause of prostate cancer,but age,race,lifestyle,medication and genetics may likely be the major factors responsible.Early stage of treatment requires...Radical Prostatectomy-the prostate is removed surgically.Brachytheraphy-radio active seeds are planted into the prostate.Conformal Radiotherapy,Intensity modulated radiotherapy.

Advanced stage-Radiotherapy with combination of hormone therapy,robotic keyhole surgery.As they say,prevention is better than cure,before one gets to even the age of forty,guys please always try and take Zinc supplements.

Zinc Supplements promote your immune system and prostate health.Try to take Zinc Gluconate,either 100mg or 50mg tablets.


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