A Wheelchair That Can Easily Glide The Stairs Is To Be Launched Soon

A new tech inspired wheelchair is set to be launched soon,The Scewo wheelchair uses rubber tracks to glide staircases or spiral stair cases.

The wheelchair uses both wheels and tracks so that it can over come any type of obstacle.Users can control the chair with a joystick or just by shifting their body from side to side.

There are various mode settings to ensure adequate safety for users whether you are on the move or stationary.The chair can also be adjusted to reach any object,This innovation was started by five students from two universities-The Swiss Federal Institute Of Technology and Zurich University of Arts.
According to the group,they built the very first prototype during their bachelor's studies and it was well received from people all around the world based on feedback.

They have decided to continue based on these positive feedback and design a new wheelchair that can be sold globally.

The wheelchair will hit the market by 2018,so lets keep our fingers crossed!.


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