11 year old girl who had an IQ of 162,rejected from grammer school

An 11 year old girl,Mia Golosino originally from Philippines but resides in Wolverton,Milton Keynes with her parents,Jose and Mary scored an IQ of 162 in her test but was rejected by her first choice of school.

Mia's score is believed to beat that of Albert Einstein who had an IQ score of 160.Her score of 162 is said to be well over the benchmark score of 140,why then,was she rejected?.

Well,Mia had applied to Aylesbury High Grammer School,where she sat for the exam privately but when invitation letters were sent out this very year,she wasn't invited due to what was termed,'over subscription'.

Her parents then arranged for her to take the Mensa Test and when the results came in,she was invited to join Mensa.According to her Dad,Jose,they were very happy when they saw the invitation letter:

''We could not believe our eyes upon seeing the invitation letter.She just needed one of the results within top 2 % to become a member of British Mensa.
''We were amazed to find she scored the highest possible mark of 162,more than Albert Einstein.We now think that this is the best school for her to go to.''

Her Mother Mary,was also elated and filled with pride:

''We were waiting for a prospectus to arrive the day that the Mensa test results came through the post.Then,the letter came through the post saying,'Congratulations',and i couldn't believe it.
''We had completely forgotten about the test until we got the results.We couldn't believe it when we found out,we were absolutely stunned.''

Mia already accepted an offer into the Royal Latin School in Buckingham and her parents want the story shared,so that other youngsters like herself will be encouraged


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