Cases of Human Plague confirmed in New Mexico

The plague disease is an infectious disease that can be transmitted to human beings if bitten by infected fleas.These infected fleas carry a bacterium known as Yersinia pestis and can also be transmitted through direct contact with a person or through food not properly cooked.

According to the New Mexico Department of Health,two recent cases of plague have been confirmed in two females,one aged 52 and the other aged 62 from Santa Fe County,bringing the total cases of plague in New Mexico to three.

''The New Mexico Department of Health (NMDOH) is reporting two recent confirmed plague cases in 52-year-old and 62-year-old females from Santa Fe County.With the addition of these cases,there have been three human plague cases from Santa Fe County in 2017.
''All these cases required hospitalization.There have been no deaths from plague in 2017.''

The health department continued by saying,health officials went to the homes of the patients to carry out further investigations,in other to protect and prevent other people from contacting the plague disease.

To avoid contacting the plague disease,it is advised to keep your surroundings clean and neat and if you own a pet,always visit a veterinarian when you notice anything strange about your pet.

Some symptoms to look out for in case you might have contacted the plague disease includes,headache,painful swelling of the lymph node in your groin,armpit or neck areas,weakness and sudden fever.


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