Apple pay now allows for easy peer to peer payments

In its World Developer Conference in San Jose some days back,the tech giant announced that it's latest version of iOS,which is iOS 11 will now have a feature in Apple Pay that can allow for person to person payment.

Making the announcement,Craig Federighi who is Apple's senior vice president of Software Engineering said the new feature is made available to enable users make and receive payments easily to friends and family in a more secure way.

The new feature allows Apple device owners to directly send money to their friends using the new integrated feature in the iMessage App.You can however  receive or send payments directly when chatting with your friends or contacts.

The money when sent will be in the user's Apple Pay cash card and can be transferred directly to your bank account or can be transferred to family or friends.The feature is to be made available later this year across all iOS 11 platforms.


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