Signs of Alien life in Mars might actually be a reality

Scientists are really closing in on what might actually be a reality rather than a myth as NASA's Curiosity Rover has made an amazing discovery with images showing fossilised alien bones on Mars.

According to alien hunters,the images reveal a thigh bone and a hip bone including other images taken by the Curiosity Rover which also indicates that there might actually be possibilities of sign of life in Mars.

The other images which are presented in a video,show signs of lichen and fungi as well as other biological life growing on Mars.

In similar development,alien hunters also discovered through images taken by the Curiosity Rover,a strange rock formation on Mars,which they believed was arranged or laid out by another form of life.

''Whatever we are seeing here,it's in a perfect circle and it's much different from the craters that we normally see on Mars and the moon and throughout the other planets in the solar system.
''This almost looks like these rocks were arranged in this circular formation.Either that or this could potentially be some sort of ruin.
''One thing's for sure,i have never seen anything quite like it on Mars.It just looks eerily out of place.''
Circular of Rocks on Mars Surface

Alien hunters are now more than ever convinced that extraterrestrial (ET) beings,water and intelligent life forms really do exist in other planets.


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