A pregnant woman died after fainting and falling onto train tracks in Bangkok

The tragic incident which happened earlier today in Bangkok saw a 31 year old woman who was six months pregnant,after suffering from a blackout,fainted and fell onto the train tracks and unfortunately,at that same moment,a train that was approaching killed her instantly.

Eyewitnesses said she was holding her phone,when suddenly she stepped forward and fell about four feet onto the rail tracks,they tried calling her but she didn't respond.They also tried alerting the driver of the train but it was rather too late.

She was identified by rescuers as Rosarin Plianlar and they immediately contacted her husband who had earlier dropped her off at the train station before setting off to his work place.

According to a spokesperson from Ruamkatanyu Rescue Foundation,investigations are ongoing about the actual circumstances surrounding her tragic death.

''The woman had been dizzy recently and had fainted before.Friends think this is what caused it and other people at the station say she jumped onto the tracks.
''Her husband had just dropped her off at the train station to go to work.She used the station most days.The person standing behind her said she had been holding her phone then stepped forward.
''The driver said he used the brakes to stop the train but it could not stop moving until it came to the woman.We don't know why she didn't reply to people calling out to her when she was on the ground.There is still some investigations to do.''

The unfortunate incident happened at Thai Chang station in Bangkok,Thailand this morning and she was expecting a baby boy.The boss of the Electrified Train company,Wisut Chanmanee has promised to investigate the actual cause of death,if it was a suicide or an accident and also promised to help the family with the funeral.


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