Researchers say eating of Nuts can increase your life span

Nuts have been attributed with plenty of health benefits in time past,like keeping your heart in a healthy state,protection against Alzheimer's disease,cognitive functions and high fertility rate in men and women.

Scientist and researchers have come up with a new study saying,that people who eat plenty of nuts might have a lower risk of mortality and other chronic diseases.

The new study which  was published in the International Journal of Epidemiology,examined data from the Netherlands Cohort Study,examining about 120,000 Dutch men and women whose ages range from 55-69,from 1986-2017.The information looked at the quantity and frequency in which the participants ate tree nuts,peanuts and peanut butter.

In a press release,the project leader and Epidemiologist,Professor Piet van den Brandt said:

''It was remarkable that substantially lower mortality was already observed at consumption levels of 15 grams of nuts or peanuts on average per day-half a handful.
''A higher intake was not associated with further reduction in mortality risk.This was also supported by a meta-analysis of previously published studies together with the Netherlands Cohort study in which cancer and respiratory mortality showed this same dose-response pattern.''

It is advised to eat pure peanuts than eating peanut butter and also try eating nuts in its natural state.Nuts are rich in essential nutrients like,protein,minerals,fiber,mono-unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants.


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